About Us

About Us

Having operated in this industry since 2012, we’ve collaborated with numerous teams, including a network of energy brokers across Ireland and the UK. Our primary objective remains consistent: to drive down electricity and gas expenses for both commercial and residential properties. Additionally, we consistently explore avenues for cost reduction in other areas, such as merchant services. Committed to bolstering local businesses, we’re steadfast in our expansion efforts.
We have worked in this industry since 2012, we have worked with many different teams which consisted of a network of energy brokers in Ireland and the UK. We aim to reduce the cost of electricity and gas, both for commercial and residential properties. Similarly, we are always looking to compare and reduce costs in other areas, including merchant services. We actively support local businesses and will continue to expand.

Energify Founding

Enerfexpands its operations internationally, establishing partnerships in key markets across Europe, Asia, and North America. The company starts exporting its solar panels to various countries, contributing to the global growth of solar energy.


Completing The First Project

Energify expands its operations internationally, establishing partnerships in key markets across Europe, Asia, and North America.

1973 - 1998


Energify invests heavily in research and development to improve solar panel efficiency and performance. They introduce a new line of advanced solar panels utilizing cutting-edge technology, achieving higher conversion rates and increased durability.


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Example Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet.


Solar Energy Squad: Illuminating a Sustainable Future

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy that harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity or heat. It is considered one of the cleanest and most abundant sources of energy available to us. Solar energy technologies have advanced significantly over the years and are increasingly being adopted as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources.

Governments and organizations around the world are increasingly investing in solar energy as a key part of their sustainable energy strategies. The continued development and adoption of solar energy technologies hold great potential for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Solar Panels: Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are the most common way to capture solar energy. These panels are made up of interconnected solar cells that convert sunlight directly into electricity. When sunlight hits the solar cells, it excites the electrons in the cells, creating a flow of electricity.

Solar Thermal Systems: Solar thermal systems use sunlight to heat water or other fluids. These systems are commonly used for heating water in residential and commercial buildings or for generating steam to produce electricity in large-scale power plants.


Solar power: Lighting up homes and businesses with clean energy

Meet the Masters of Solar Energy

Powering a Sustainable Future: Energify Solar Team

Alisson Taylor

Team Manager

Roger Craig


Allan Cooper


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Code of Conduct

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Code of Conduct Summary At Utility Optimizer Limited, we are committed to fostering a workplace that values diversity, promotes equity, and ensures inclusion. Our EDI Code of Conduct outlines our dedication to creating an environment where all employees, contractors, and stakeholders are respected and valued.

Key Principles:
• Equity:
We ensure fair treatment, opportunities, and advancement for all individuals by identifying and eliminating barriers to full participation.
• Diversity:
We embrace differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, and political perspectives.
• Inclusion:
We strive to create environments where everyone feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued.

Our Commitments:
• Equitable Practices:
We are dedicated to fair recruitment, hiring, and promotion processes, equal training opportunities, and fair pay practices.
• Promoting Diversity:
We actively seek to understand and value the diversity of our workforce and clients, and we celebrate this diversity through various initiatives and partnerships.
• Fostering Inclusion:
We encourage open dialogue and teamwork, providing safe channels for reporting concerns and ensuring that everyone feels included and valued.
• Training and Awareness:
We offer regular training on EDI topics, including unconscious bias and cultural competence, to promote continuous learning and improvement.
• Monitoring and Reporting:
We regularly review our EDI practices, collect data to identify areas for improvement, and report our progress to stakeholders.


Adherence to our EDI Code of Conduct is mandatory for all employees and associates. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary actions. At Utility Optimizer Limited, we believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace drives innovation and enhances performance. We are committed to maintaining these values at the core of our business operations. For more details, you can request our full Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Code of Conduct.

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